Outstanding collaborations

GCF partners with many organizations, institutions and individuals in Africa and around the world to save giraffe in the wild. Our impactful work is only possible with and because of these partners.

Stand-out Partnerships

Some partners stand out: They provide significant on-going and long-term support or outstanding collaboration furthering our efforts to securing a future for all giraffe in Africa.

African Governmental Partners

Conservation Partners

Academic Partners


Did you know?

Giraffe populations have declined by up to 95% in some areas.

In the BBC documentary “Giraffe: Africa’s Gentle Giants”—featuring GCF’s important work in Africa—Sir David Attenborough referred to this decline as a “Silent Extinction.” These alarming numbers serve as a reminder that we need to protect giraffe now before it is too late.

Official Giraffe Adoptions
About GCF