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Is it just us or is this year also running away with you?

As international travel restrictions continue to ease we continue to (re)connect with partners throughout the African continent and internationally to strengthen giraffe conservation. While almost all of our programmes and initiatives continued during the pandemic, it is such a relief to meet again face-to-face. New communication technologies are fantastic and we will continue to make use of these, but they can’t fully replace in-person meetings, which are so important for relationship building.

The future of giraffe conservation is a team effort. Premised on first understanding the situation, getting the correct message out there, and following through with targeted management actions.

With this in mind, don’t forget that World Giraffe Day – 21 June – is just around the corner. Are you going to attend an event or are you even planning your own? Make sure to let us know – we would love to hear about it!

What is New?

New Baby Alert!

The last 3 months have yielded some amazing baby news!

We are excited to report the first babies being born to our translocated giraffe populations in Majete Wildlife Reserve in Malawi, and Gadabedji Biosphere Reserve in Niger. These new additions show just how well our translocated giraffe are settling into their new homes.

There also appears to be a sudden baby boom in Kidepo Valley National Park in Uganda, where we recently spotted several calves hanging out in one creche!

While we are always delighted to spot baby giraffe, we are particularly excited to see this new life in these new populations as it shows that our conservation approach is showing success.

New Partnerships for Giraffe Conservation

Conservation works best in partnership.

In Kenya, GCF is proud to work with the Kenya Wildlife Service, the Wildlife Research and Training Institute and other stakeholders to support the conservation of the three different giraffe species that occur in the country. This year, GCF already supported range committee meetings for Masai, Nubian and Reticulated giraffe to provide a platform for all stakeholders to share experiences and track the progress of implementing the Recovery Action Plan for Giraffe in Kenya.

As part of our new partnership with The Wildlife Foundation we support the bi-monthly game counts in the communal areas of the Athi Kapiti Ecosystem south of Nairobi National Park in Kenya. A recent training on wildlife data collection and monitoring in Naretunoi Conservancy was attended by 50 scouts and conservancy managers from 22 different community conservancies. Taking individual identification photos of every giraffe spotted enables us to build up a database of all giraffe in the landscape and learn how they use their space which will help to inform future conservation actions.

In Malawi, we recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the government to collaborate in giraffe conservation. This is a first step in working together to develop a National Giraffe Conservation Strategy and Action Plan that will guide the long-term conservation of giraffe in the country. We are excited to work collaboratively towards an even brighter future for giraffe in the country.

Together we #StandTallForGiraffe and ensure these iconic animals get the attention they deserve.

Taking giraffe back to Mozambique

Preparations are underway for our ambitious plan to bring giraffe back to Mozambique. Together with our partners, we recently fitted new CERES satellite ear tags to seven giraffe in the Karingani Game Reserve. These giraffe will provide valuable data on how they use their habitat and aid with preparations for the new arrivals.

Over the next five years, together with the Mozambique government and our partners, we are going to move over 350 giraffe to four key areas in the country: Zinave and Banhine National Parks, Maputo Special Reserve and Karingani Game Reserve.

This series of translocations will more than double the population, re-establish southern giraffe within their historic range and open over 3 million acres of prime habitat for giraffe to thrive! Read more about this exciting programme on the GCF website.

To help us with this ambitious plan and to stand tall for giraffe, donate now!

21 June 2022

Just 6 weeks until World Giraffe Day!

How will you #StandTallForGiraffe on World Giraffe Day?
Here are some ideas:

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