Every giraffe can be identified by their individual spot pattern – just like a human fingerprint. Together with our partners, the Giraffe Conservation Foundation is using this identifying feature to help us count giraffe.
By taking individual photos or even group images of giraffe during surveys, we can later use AI-aided pattern recognition technology to individually identify each giraffe and add them to a database. To make best use of this exciting technology, the Giraffe Conservation Foundation has supported Wild Me to develop an exciting online tool for giraffe – GiraffeSpotter – Wildbook for Giraffe.
GiraffeSpotter is a photo-identification database that catalogs and tracks individual giraffe in the wild. Giraffe conservationists, researchers, and managers populate and maintain the database by collecting and analyzing giraffe sighting data to understand population numbers and distribution.
GiraffeSpotter uses photographs of a giraffe’s pattern to distinguish between individual animals. Advanced software, including pattern recognition, photo management tools and bulk uploading options, supports rapid identification.
For more information visit GiraffeSpotter – Wildbook for Giraffe