Rwanda’s only population of Masai giraffe was founded by just six individuals translocated to Akagera National Park from Kenya in 1986.
Since then, this population has grown considerably.
Through a Memorandum of Understanding with African Parks, an NGO that manages Akagera National Park, GCF provides support for giraffe conservation in the park. In collaboration with African Parks, GCF conducted the first ever photographic survey of giraffe in Rwanda in 2022.
Using spatially explicit capture recapture methods, this survey estimated the population at over 100 individuals, marking a considerable increase over previous aerial survey estimates. Based on another survey in June 2023, the population estimate was increased to at least 113 individuals. This continues increase in abundance highlights the positive impacts of concerted management efforts by African Parks and the Government of Rwanda in securing and protecting Rwanda’s unique savannah ecosystems.
These early survey efforts provide the foundation for ongoing giraffe monitoring and conservation in Akagera National Park. To gain a better understanding of giraffe habitat use in the park, seven giraffe were fitted with GPS tracking devices in October 2023. Equipped with the best available data on population growth and habitat use, GCF and African Parks are continuing to work to together to ensure a bright future for Rwanda’s giraffe.