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Spreading the word on giraffe conservation!

There are only about 117,000 giraffe remaining in all of Africa.

However, many people have not yet realised that giraffe are in real trouble and need our help. The GCF team works hard to change the tide for giraffe in Africa, while at the same time raise awareness for their plight.

To learn more about GCF, our important work and how you can help, listen to these Podcasts and Presentations!

Boots on the Ground Pod – 13 October 2023

A Voice for Giraffe with Dr Arthur Muneza

In this podcast, Dibblex Lesalon speaks with GCF’s Dr Arthur Muneza about Arthur’s childhood and upbringing, how he got started working with giraffe, Operation Twiga and his role at GCF. The conservationists also chat about the biggest threats facing giraffe, GCF’s Twiga Tracker initiative and its objectives, youth involvement in conservation and much more.

Boots on the Ground Pod is also available on all major Podcast Apps.

The Hidden Philanthropist – 4 September 2023

Season 2, Episode 10: The Hidden Philanthropist talks to Julian & Stephanie Fennessy

Julian and Steph Fennessy recently spent time with Andrew Purdie of The Hidden Philanthropist in the field in Namibia. Andrew asked the hard questions to better understand the challenges of giraffe conservation in Africa and to find out more about the couple’s personal story. Listen to this fun and informative Australian podcast.

The Hidden Philanthropist is also available on all major Podcast Apps.

The Take – 5 July 2023

Why is the giraffe facing a silent extinction?

There are now fewer giraffe in Africa than elephant or gorilla. The world’s tallest mammal was listed as vulnerable on the IUCN RedList in 2016. It’s already extinct in seven countries. Yet few people realise that this beloved staple of the savannah is in peril. Wildlife conservation has been gaining momentum, with celebrity advocates and global campaigns, but the giraffe’s struggles have failed to stand out and attract the world’s attention. Hear what GCF’s Steph Fennessy and Dr Arthur Muneza have to say about this in the Al Jazeera podcast.

The Take is also available on all major Podcast Apps.

Endless Threat – 24 March 2023

Asking science about giraffe: The downside of giraffe’s long necks

On a sunny day in March 2020, researchers in South Africa discovered the bodies of two giraffes. From what they could tell, the giraffe had died a few days earlier. But the cause was a mystery. To understand what happened, producer Dean Russell turned to the subreddit AskScience. He discusses his findings with Endless Thread co-hosts Amory Sivertson and Ben Brock Johnson and GCF’s Conservation Science Coordinator Dr Michael Brown.

Endless Threats is also available on all major Podcast Apps. Click here for more links.

Restore Our Planet Podcast – 22 February 2023

Episode 38: The Giraffe Conservation Foundation

Jack Cole was joined by Stephanie Fennessy, the Executive Director of GCF based in Namibia. Steph talked about the largely unknown plight giraffe have experienced in recent decades and how GCF’s work is showing positive outcomes across 18 countries and over 100 million acres of giraffe habitat.

This Podcast is also available on Spotify, RSS and Google Podcasts.

The Wild Life: Conservation Podcast – 13 January 2022

Mission Twiga – Giraffe Conservation Foundation

GCF Director Steph Fennessy recently had a virtual sit-down with Amy Turner at This Wild Life: Conservation Podcast to chat about all things giraffe and giraffe conservation. This episode is part of a series of interviews with partners of EarthRanger, a free online software solution that helps conservationists protect wildlife and habitats by using real-time data.

This Wild Life: Conservation Podcast is also available on Spotify, Deezer, Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Podchaser.

EarthRanger User Conference | Conservation Tech Award – 18 November 2021

Dr Michael Brown receives the inaugural Conservation Tech Award on behalf of GCF

Conservation Tech Award grantees GCF and Lion Guardians spoke at the 2021 EarthRanger User Conference about how they are utilising technology to protect endangered species and promote human-wildlife coexistence.

Africam4Good | – 14 October 2021

Live chat with Dr Arthur Muneza, GCF East Africa Coordinator

Ranger Russell chats to Arthur Muneza about giraffe conservation and the work done by the Giraffe Conservation Foundation to help protect giraffe throughout Africa.

The Possibilists – 17 August 2021

Episode 3: Drs Arthur Muneza and Michael Brown

GCF’s Arthur and Michael talk to Pelecanus in this thought-provoking podcast! In partnership with Smithsonian Earth Optimism, they chat about everything giraffe from GCF’s community based conservation initiatives to giraffe taxonomy to why everyone loves giraffe. Get to know the GCF team, our passion and what excites us most about giraffe.

This episode is also available on YouTube, or listen on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, or any other podcast service.

Pangolin: The Conservation Podcast – 21 June 2021

Stick your neck out for giraffe with Julian & Stephanie Fennessy

Join host Jack Baker as he discusses a series of under-appreciated and under-explored conservation stories, with the people who have dedicated their lives to these incredible causes! Starting with the ‘Plight of the Pangolin’, the series then looks into everything from Armadillo to Zebra, with the hope of both educating and inspiring you!

In this episode, Jack talks to GCF’s Dr Julian & Stephanie Fennessy about all things giraffe.

&Beyond Podcasts – Leave our world a better place – 18 June 2021

Standing tall for Africa’s giants with Julian Fennessy

With their characteristic profile and gentle gaze, giraffe are one of Africa’s most iconic species. And yet, few people are aware that giraffe numbers have declined almost 30% over the past three decades. Julian Fennessy of the Giraffe Conservation Foundation talks about the challenges that come with dwindling wild habitat and increased human encroachment. Find out about the threats facing Africa’s gentle giants, as well as the lengths that scientists are prepared to go to in order to save the species. Discover the latest research into Africa’s giraffe species and find out about the challenges of translocating these unique animals. Celebrate World Giraffe Day on 21 June and find out how you can get involved.

Rossifari – 27 April 2021

The Silent Extinction: An audio tale with Stephanie Fennessy

Today, the Safari heads to Namibia, to the headquarters of the Giraffe Conservation Foundation. Jon Rossi speaks with Stephanie Fennessy, the director of this incredible organisation. Giraffe are further along the path to extinction than most people realise. Today’s episode brings the people at the centre of the fight to save them to the forefront. Hear all about what it takes to learn about giraffe in the wild, the challenges associated with rehoming giraffe to different parts of Africa, and what is next for the efforts to save these incredible animals. Also, this one features a poop story you won’t forget!

Wee Blue Dot – A Conservation Podcast – 22 April 2021

Giraffe – The silent extinction with Dr Julian Fennessy (Giraffe Conservation Foundation)

Join host Katie Macfarlane for conversations with scientists, conservationists, educators, artists, communicators & more. This podcast explores conservation today, and the vast array of professions and people involved in protecting our planet. Learn how you can play your part & get involved with conservation organisations worldwide.

talk: Wildlife – 26 February 2021

talk: Sustaining Giraffe Populations with Michael Brown

talk: Wildlife a channel that as the headline states is ‘for wildlife enthusiasts, from recent converts to obsessives’. The videos are designed not only to feed your wildlife habit, but to raise awareness about conservation projects and organisations. In this video, Allan talks to Dr Michael Brown, Conservation Science Fellow of GCF and the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute.

Animalia Podcasts – 24 February 2021

A tall order – Protecting wild giraffe with the Giraffe Conservation Foundation

In this episode Animalia’s James Veraldi sits down with Stephanie and Julian Fennessy, co-founders of the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, to discuss this species in depth and what needs to be done to protect them. GCF is headquartered in Namibia but actually operates in 16 different countries in Africa. They have been leaders in complicated translocations, empowering local communities, and started an open resource library for all of those who work in the field.

Constant Wonder – 3 February 2021

Dwarf giraffe astound researchers – Bring awareness to giraffe conservation

A new study has identified dwarfism in the world’s tallest animal. Gimli and Nigel, the first known dwarf giraffe, live in Uganda and Namibia and are half as tall as their towering neighbours. Dwarfism in these incredible creatures may be the consequence of a decrease in genetic diversity as giraffe populations shrink. Michael Brown is the lead author on this new study, and he joins his enthusiasm for giraffe and science to develop sustainable solutions for giraffe conservation, both from home and from Africa’s plains.

All Creatures Podcast – 18 June 2020

Giraffe Conservation Foundation’s Dr Julian Fennessy

In celebration of World Giraffe Day, which is June 21st, we are excited to chat with Dr Julian Fennessy, the Director of the Giraffe Conservation Foundation. He chats about the silent extinction of giraffe and the many conservation projects GCF is involved with. We also discuss the latest news in giraffe speciation. This is a fascinating and can’t miss interview.

Corbin Maxey – 12 February 2020

Giraffe: A silent extinction

In this episode, Corbin Maxey speaks with Dr Julian Fennessy from the Giraffe Conservation Foundation. Julian and his wife Steph decided to start the GCF after realising there wasn’t an organisation focusing on giraffe and their conservation. Today, there are fewer than 111,000 giraffe left in the wild. There are 4 times as many elephant in Africa, yet little is publicly known about the giraffe’s “silent extinction”. Topics include differences between the four giraffe species, interesting giraffe facts, and what YOU can do at home to help the world’s tallest mammal!

Exploring By The Seat Of Your Pants – 15 January 2020

Michael Brown | Giraffe Conservation in Uganda

Michael is a conservation ecologist whose conservation work is run jointly through the Giraffe Conservation Foundation and Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute. He is going to talk about his work dedicated to understanding and protecting these gentle giant of the savannah in Uganda and beyond throughout Africa.

The LAN Party Upload – 15 July 2019

Episode 12: Giraffe are pretty good neighbours

We interview Michael B. Brown about giraffe, conservation, dissertation work, and the souls of animals. How can the enterprise of science account for our felt connection to animals? We ask him about what his studies in the field and in academia have shown him. We touch on scopes of studying behaviour; who defines a species; framing studies in local African cultures; what data can show us; Captain Planet; and trophic cascades involving giraffe foliage.

The EDGE Conservation Podcast – 22 April 2019

Stephanie Fennessy, Giraffe Conservation Foundation

Stephanie Fennessy is co-director and co-founder of the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, and tells Kira about her field work, research and community development in her unique effort to preserve the world’s tallest mammals.

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  • You are wearing your support and help spread the word about the plight of giraffe.
  • Each purchase directly supports our conservation work in Africa.
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