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A Note from the GCF Directors

What an exciting journey! When we took the plunge and decided to put all our efforts into conserving giraffe full-time, we didn’t know what to expect. And in all honesty, we still don’t…

As we learn more about giraffe – their ecology and, most importantly, their numbers and distribution – positive and negative news is often closely interlinked. Targeted conservation research teaches us new things about giraffe, and it allows us to approach their conservation differently: based on facts and knowledge rather than assumptions and hearsay. Together with our many partners around the globe, we continue to collate, analyse and share detailed information on giraffe – information which is more available than ever before. As a result, we can see that some giraffe populations are increasing significantly. Not all of these results are actual population increases, but rather more accurate assessments owing to the more detailed collation of numbers and data we have achieved. Regardless, this is a positive sign, and we believe that our combined efforts can make a difference, before it is too late.

African governments continue to show increased general interest in conservation, particularly in giraffe. And while we have well-established relationships with a few African countries (often governed by a Memorandum of Understanding), others are starting to get in touch to establish collaborations for working together to help save their giraffe. All in all, we believe that together we can ensure a bright future for giraffe in Africa – at least for some populations – and we hope that our efforts are providing an impetus for this.

It is a privilege that we could turn our passion into our occupation, and even though some people still think we are a little bit crazy, we love what we are doing. And this is largely due to all of you – our partners and supporters, and especially our small dynamic team that works throughout the continent. So, we would like to take the opportunity to say a big THANK YOU for all your support, collaboration, trust and friendship! Saving giraffe is a team effort; none of us could have done this alone. Together, we are making a difference for giraffe in Africa!

—Steph & Julian Fennessy

Do you want to read more?  Download our 2017/18 Annual Report as a PDF.

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